Thursday, 23 February 2012

The Story of Us Final without voiceover

This is our film opening with the original full 'Final Gripe' soundtrack without the added voiceover. I think this version allows the viewer more freedom to imagine the story of the couple's relationship without the voiceover over explaining the concept. However some people may feel that this version is more like a film ending than an introduction to a film and the viewer may find the explanation from the voiceover useful in understanding the film's concept.

The Story of Us Final with voiceover

I think the voiceover makes the film opening end nicely, as it co-insides with the closing of the book and the end of the music, so everything ties together. However I feel as if the voiceover is quite fragmented, disjointed and interrupts the flow of the music. The soundtrack fits really well with the whole opening sequence, so it would be nice to hear it fully for the whole length of the opening. In the voiceover it is possible to hear the echo of Amelia's voice; this can be interpreted as enhancing the concept of the voiceover, as it sounds as if she is in a dream or they are her thoughts, so this adds an interesting element to the film opening.